
WADA seeks candidates for new Risk and Audit Committee

Deadline: 17 May 2023

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) is seeking candidates to fill two expert member seats of the Agency’s new Risk and Audit Committee (RAC); the main purpose of which will be to monitor and assist WADA in fulfilling its responsibilities in terms of risk management, financial reporting and compliance with policies and regulations. The RAC will ensure adequate control arrangements are in place to provide assurance to WADA’s governing bodies and will provide an element of support to WADA Management.

In May 2022, WADA’s Foundation Board (Board) approved a second round of governance reforms, including the creation of the RAC. This independent, non-political body will be a Permanent Special Committee of WADA and will be composed of three members, two of which will be independent experts. The third member will be appointed by and from the members of WADA’s Executive Committee (ExCo).

The Terms of Reference of the RAC, which were recently approved by the Board, can be found here.


WADA is seeking candidates to fill the two independent expert seats of the new RAC. Appropriately experienced candidates within or from outside the anti-doping community are invited to apply for these seats.

Applications will be submitted to WADA’s independent Nominations Committee, which will make an initial determination to retain a number of candidates. In addition to interested candidates putting forward applications on their own behalf, WADA’s stakeholders can identify candidates and submit them to the Nominations Committee. The Nominations Committee may also search for and identify suitable candidate profiles to ensure a robust candidate pool is available.

The Nominations Committee will submit the results of its work, including the relevant dossiers and a recommendation on each candidate to the ExCo. The appointment to, and removal from, the RAC is decided by the ExCo, and it is expected that the recommended candidates will be presented for approval at the meeting of the ExCo on 22 September 2023.   

Experience and expertise requirement

Of the two independent expert members, one will ideally have recent and relevant experience in risk management and the other in accounting or auditing. Both independent experts shall have relevant governance experience. Their role is to provide their independent opinions and advice in terms of best practice in all areas of the RAC work. Candidates are invited to consult the Position Profile for a comprehensive list of requirements.

Independence criteria

All members of the RAC shall meet the Operational and Personal Independence criteria(1) in force at the time of their application and during the entirety of their appointment. In addition, the two independent experts shall not be involved in WADA’s operations and/or management and also cannot be members of WADA’s Finance & Administration Committee.

Term of office

The members of the RAC will be appointed for a term of three years and may be reappointed for two further terms of three years provided that they continue to meet all relevant eligibility criteria. Terms will be staggered. The inaugural members of the RAC will be allocated one, two and three-year terms (recommended by the Nominations Committee); and, at the end of their first terms, will be eligible for three-year terms. There are no age limits. A member of the RAC may not serve for more than nine years in total for this Committee.

The members of the RAC will be responsible for appointing their Chair from between the two independent experts. The second independent expert will automatically be appointed as the Vice-Chair.

Expected time requirement

It is expected that the RAC will have its first meeting shortly after the appointments are confirmed in September 2023. Depending on timing and feasibility this may be in-person, and the location of which will be determined once Committee composition is clear. Thereafter, meetings will be held virtually, following the general timeline of the development of the financial statements compiled by WADA’s Management, i.e., between two and four times per year. Additional meetings, generally held virtually, may be called as needed.

Compensation arrangements

WADA is a not-for-profit organization funded by member contributions and compensation arrangements reflect this nature.

The two independent expert members of the RAC will receive compensation based on the time spent on Committee work. The compensation model is aligned with WADA’s other Permanent Special Committees and independent members on other such bodies.

Expenses incurred with respect to meetings will be covered by WADA.

How to submit applications

Applications are to be forwarded by Wednesday, 17 May 2023 to Ms. Diane Smith-Gander AO, Chair, WADA Nominations Committee (c/o

To be considered, all applications must include the following:

  1. a motivation letter, expressing reasons behind interest in appointment;
  2. an updated curriculum vitae(2) fully outlining relevant experience, qualifications(3) and expertise; and
  3. a completed Declaration of Independence Form confirming that the required independence criteria are met.

Applicants that are retained will be requested to provide up to three referees who may be contacted by the Nominations Committee.

They will also be asked to consent to the use of third-party services to conduct vetting.

Any questions should be directed to Ms. Diane Smith-Gander AO, c/o


(1)The current version of WADA’s Governance Regulations refers to standards of independence that have been updated as part of the 2022 governance reforms. A revision of the Governance Regulations is on-going and will reflect the new independence criteria set forth above and in the RAC Terms of Reference. For more details about WADA’s independence requirements in their current and updated forms, please refer to the Declaration of Independence Form. It is expected that the members appointed to the RAC will have to sign a new independence form following their appointment.

(2)For purposes of review, evaluation and approval, candidates consent to the sharing of their curriculum vitae and candidate file (and personal information contained therein) with the WADA Administration and the Nominations Committee, as well as the ExCo and Board, in accordance with the Candidate Privacy Policy in WADA’s Governance Regulations. Candidates are asked to review the Candidate Privacy Policy for details about how their personal information will be processed by WADA. By submitting their application, candidates confirm that they have read and understood the policy and accept its terms.

(3)The year of any qualifications/certifications obtained by the applicant must be included in the curriculum vitae.