
How do Anti-Doping Organizations (ADOs), Delegated Third Parties (DTPs) and laboratories implement ADAMS?

Implementing ADAMS starts by signing an agreement that will govern the ADO’s, DTP's and laboratory's use of ADAMS and notifying users of how their personal information will be processed.

Once these steps are fulfilled, WADA will provide the ADO with user accounts, allowing the ADO to make full use of ADAMS for their day-to-day anti-doping operations.

More information about ADAMS is available in the ADAMS Help Center.

ADAMS Training

WADA provides remote ADAMS training to interested stakeholders. The sessions are customized to stakeholder needs, focusing on the ADAMS functionality required for their organization.

In order to schedule a training session, ADOs must first contact WADA to obtain a copy of the ADAMS Agreement for the Sharing of Information for signature.