WADA views education in its broadest sense – the education of those at the frontline of sport such as athletes, coaches and parents, as well as the education (or training) of those working within Anti-Doping Organizations (ADOs) and others who have a role to play in clean sport.
The 2021 World Anti-Doping Code (Code) defines education as:
“to raise awareness, inform, communicate, to instill values, develop life skills and decision-making capability to prevent intentional and unintentional anti-doping rule violations”
Education is a core component of any anti-doping program. The introduction to the 2021 Code includes education in the prevention of intentional and unintentional doping, along with deterrence, detection, enforcement and the rule of law.
The first International Standard for Education (ISE) came into force on 1 January 2021. The ISE sets out the requirements that Code Signatories need to meet as it relates to education.
WADA's role in education is to:
- Regulate anti-doping policy as it relates to education
- Enable the development of ADO education programs
Signatories, such as ADOs as well as governments through the UNESCO and Council of Europe Anti-Doping Conventions are responsible for education.
In addition, the Education Department leads the educational initiatives that support the capability development of ADO practitioners.