The SSREAG is responsible for overseeing and advising WADA's social science research activities and the implementation of its strategy.
View the current membership of the SSREAG and Terms of Reference for the Group.
The Social Science Research Grant Program was created to ensure that preventive anti-doping education programs were designed using an evidence-based approach. Since the creation of the Program in 2005, 146 projects have been funded awarding over USD 5 million.
WADA awards research grants to organizations of all types (such as universities, colleges, small businesses, for-profit and not-for-profit organizations).
The Program has three distinct tiers of investment available for applicants. Each tier is defined by the scale and scope of the research projects, as explained in the 2024 Social Science Research Grant Program - Overview and Guidance for Applicants. The tiered system allows for more tailored application requirements for projects rather than a one-size-fits-all approach.
As part of WADA’s 2020-2024 Social Science Research Strategy, to encourage collaboration and integration of social science researchers within the global anti-doping system, just prior to WADA’s 2024 Global Education Conference, the Agency will host a Social Science Research (SSR) Symposium on 27 February 2024 at Université Côte d'Azur in Nice, France.
The Symposium will bring together the SSR community, allowing researchers to share experiences of working in the anti-doping field. The main goal of this Symposium is to encourage discussion and collaboration on wider research issues, such as working with practitioner partners, multidisciplinary research, and the recruitment of athletes to research.
Should you wish to register for the SSR Symposium and/or the Conference, we invite you to do so here by 18 February 2024. Further details concerning the Conference, including how to book your hotel accommodation, are available on the 2024 GEC website.