Compliance Enforcement Procedures

How are non-conformities identified?

Reporting non-conformities

Non-conformities with the World Anti-Doping Code (Code) and International Standards can also be reported to WADA. Please describe the non-conformities in as much detail as possible.

If the information is confidential, you can use WADA’s Speak Up platform.

Identifying non-conformities

As a follow-up to any component of WADA’s Code Compliance Monitoring Program (rules review, CCQ, audits, Continuous Monitoring Program, Mandatory Information Requests, other sources), WADA may develop a Corrective Action Report (CAR) if any non-conformities are identified. CARs assist Signatories in enhancing their anti-doping programs, on a priority basis, through timelines provided for the implementation of corrective actions. If a Signatory fails to take satisfactory corrective actions within the provided timeline, the process described in the ISCCS is initiated to address the remaining non-conformities.

Procedure when non-conformities are not resolved

Every effort is made to support the achievement of compliance. Declaring a Signatory non-compliant is a measure of last resort.

A case is referred to the CRC and potentially to the Executive Committee, with a recommendation for formal action, only if a Signatory has failed to achieve compliance after the exhaustion of all other options.

This diagram depicts the process from identification of a Signatory’s non-conformity to an assertion of non-compliance under the International Standard for Code Compliance by Stakeholders (ISCCS).

Procedure after non-compliance is asserted

This diagram depicts the process following formal assertion of a Signatory’s non-compliance.

By definition, an allegation of non-compliance means that the situation has been robustly and thoroughly reviewed and that the recommendation from the CRC to the Executive Committee is based on facts, evidence and consideration of precedents.

Non-Compliant Signatories

Currently, the following Signatories are non-compliant:

  • International Fitness and Bodybuilding Federation (IFBB): non-compliant in relation to the implementation of the anti-doping program, as decided by WADA’s Executive Committee effective since 15 October 2022.

  • Russia - Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA): non-compliant as decided by the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) on 17 December 2020.
  • Cameroon - Organisation Camerounaise de Lutte contre le Dopage en Sport (OCALUDS): non-compliant in relation to the implementation of the anti-doping program, as decided by WADA’s Executive Committee effective since 5 August 2024. 

Once a Signatory is declared non-compliant, WADA monitors how the respective consequences are enforced and prioritizes resources and support to ensure that the Signatory can be reinstated as soon as possible.

Certain Signatories were previously deemed non-compliant but have since resolved outstanding non-conformities and have been reinstated.