WADA has the following three Standing Committees, which report to our Executive Committee (ExCo) and play a key advisory role for the Agency in anti-doping policy and priority development.
In accordance with WADA’s Statutes concerning Standing Committee composition and rotation, on an annual basis, we announce a call for nominations six months prior to when the decision will be taken by the ExCo.
Note 1: In May 2022, as part of a series of governance reforms designed to strengthen athletes’ representation within the Agency, the WADA Foundation Board (Board) approved the creation of a 20-member Athlete Council (AC) to replace the Athlete Committee, as recommended by the Working Group on the Review of WADA Governance Reforms in its Final Report. The AC is a Permanent Special Committee. As a result of the governance reforms, the AC is responsible for selecting, from among its members, athlete representatives to sit on the Standing Committees mentioned above.
Note 2: The Compliance Review Committee (CRC), which has been a WADA Standing Committee since 2016, has been reclassified as a Permanent Special Committee in line with the 2022 governance reforms to recognize the CRC’s specific role and independence.