
WADA publishes updated Question and Answer document for athletes related to COVID-19

Today, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) is pleased to publish a Question and Answer (Q&A) document related to anti-doping and COVID-19, which is an update to the document that the Agency published on 23 March 2020. Once again, it was developed in consultation with WADA’s Athlete Committee.

WADA Director General Olivier Niggli said: “As the situation continues to evolve, WADA is pleased to provide further clarity to athletes in relation to anti-doping and COVID-19, particularly given that in some regions of the world, the public health environment is such that Anti-Doping Organizations have started to resume normal testing activities. Regardless of the situation countries or regions may be facing, WADA continues to urge Anti-Doping Organizations to place athlete health at the forefront of their anti-doping efforts. To this end, athletes should be aware that, on 6 May, the Agency also updated its COVID-19 guidance for Anti-Doping Organizations, which outlines how Anti-Doping Organizations can best protect the health of athletes while protecting their right to doping-free sport. 

“WADA is conscious of the fact that the amount of testing activity will continue to vary globally given the regional differences in terms of public health restrictions. Therefore, the Agency will continue to keep a close eye on developments so that we can continue to work collaboratively with Anti-Doping Organizations to strike the appropriate balance between the protection of health and that of sport during these challenging times.”

The updated Q&A covers matters such as:

  • Testing during COVID-19
  • Minimizing the risk of contracting or transmitting the virus
  • Filing of whereabouts information
  • Validating Therapeutic Use Exemptions
  • Maintaining the integrity of the global anti-doping system
  • Refusing to comply with testers at this time
  • Confidence in the anti-doping system

WADA will continue to liaise with athletes and Anti-Doping Organizations in the interest of publishing updates regarding the Agency’s response to COVID-19 as the situation evolves.