WADA invites proposals for scientific research grants
Help advance anti-doping research
The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) is pleased to launch a Call for Proposals for its 2023 Scientific Research Grant Program.
Science is key to driving advances in anti-doping. Innovative research helps the anti-doping community identify new trends in doping, new drugs, new delivery mechanisms and new methods of detection.
Since 2001, WADA has invested USD 88 million in more than 500 research projects, helping researchers around the world make breakthroughs in anti-doping science. These grants are critical because they increase the volume of research dedicated to developing new and improved detection methods for performance-enhancing substances and methods and attract researchers with innovative ways of thinking.
To submit applications for the 2023 Scientific Research Grant Program
Scientists interested in submitting applications for the 2023 Scientific Research Grant Program are invited to do so via the Agency’s WADAGrants platform by 22 March 2023 (23:55 GMT).
The 2023 Program includes a new theme, Scientific Innovations to Improve Anti-Doping Programs, which targets research teams that include anti-doping organizations.
To submit expressions of interest for Special Topics for Scientific Research Funding
In addition to the topics described in the Call for Proposals, researchers are also encouraged to consult the Special Topics for Scientific Research Funding. This list is intended to complement the topics in the annual call and will be updated and communicated throughout the year.
The first two special topics, which open in December 2022, aim to advance the development of dried blood spot testing. Researchers are invited to submit expressions of interest on WADAGrants by 10 February 2023.