ADAMS Testing Working Group discusses a number of enhancements to ADAMS and its ecosystems

The World Anti-Doping Agency’s (WADA’s) Anti-Doping Administration & Management Systems (ADAMS) Testing Working Group (ATWG), met virtually on 23 and 24 May 2023 and focused its discussions on the following topics:
1. The ATWG received an update on the 2023 WADA ADAMS Roadmap, including:
the launch in ADAMS of the Next Gen Athlete Biological Passport module, planned for Q3 2023;
the long-term storage functionality, planned for June 2023;
the decommission of the classic ADAMS versions of the Testing Order and Doping Control Form (DCF), planned for July 2023; and
the advancement of the DCF Application Programming Interface (API) pilot project. WADA is working on a pricing strategy for those ADOs already using a paperless sample collection system and would like to automatically upload their DCF in ADAMS. This API is planned to be available in Q3 2023.
2. WADA provided an update on the ADAMS webinar strategy and other training activities that are taking place during the first half of 2023, including the webinar ‘Building an IT environment around ADAMS,’ planned for 22 June 2023. This webinar will be presented by members of the ATWG and will highlight some of the IT systems used by ADOs to assist them in managing their testing programs by using the data that is contained in ADAMS.
3. The following key areas were identified for the future development of ADAMS and recommended by the ATWG for prioritization by WADA:
Further development and enhancement of DCO Central, WADA’s free, sample collection platform;
An improved tracking system for samples requiring fast turnaround analysis in ADAMS, particularly for ADOs and laboratories in the lead up to major events;
The review of the existing notification system in ADAMS to consider ways to prioritize and reduce the number of notifications; and
An improved Registered Testing Pool management module.
About the ATWG
The ATWG consists of seven anti-doping experts who are regular ADAMS and/or ecosystems users and who have operational experience in the testing activities of an International Federation, a National or a Regional Anti-Doping Organization. The ATWG is carrying out its mandate for an initial two-year period (i.e., until the end of 2024) and its work will be evaluated in mid-2024 to determine whether it shall continue and if so, in what format. The Terms of Reference of the ATWG can be found here.
Should you have any questions regarding the work of the ATWG, we invite you to contact