In October 2006, Interpol, the world’s largest police organization, and WADA committed to work together to identify areas for collaboration in combating the trafficking of performance-enhancing drugs.The need for stronger and more unified action in tackling the problem of doping was underlined as a key point during a meeting between Interpol Secretary General Ronald K. Noble and WADA Director General, David Howman.
In November 2008, WADA announced that it had approved a Memorandum of Understanding formalizing its cooperation with Interpol. This Memorandum of Understanding, approved by Interpol at its October 2008 General Assembly, provides a framework for cooperation between the two organizations in tracking doping, in particular in the area of evidence gathering and information sharing.
The French government has seconded an officer based at Interpol’s headquarters in Lyon, France, to serve as the liaison between WADA, governments and the Sport movement, and the various Interpol bureaus police departments around the world. WADA hopes that this formalized cooperation will help achieve concrete advances.