A small Working Group of governance experts was established by the WADA Executive Committee at its November 2020 meeting. The composition of this Working Group on the Review of WADA Governance Reforms includes seven governance experts (two proposed by governments, two by the Sport Movement, one independent Chair, and two expert athletes (nominated by WADA’s Athlete Committee). One of the athletes (Chelsey Gotell) was added to the Group in March 2021 following the decision of the Executive Committee in November 2020, that the Group could be expanded with an additional athlete, subject to an appropriate athlete expert being put forward by the WADA Athlete Committee. An essential part of the work of this Group will be to consult all stakeholders, including athletes and NADOs, using a wide-ranging consultation process in the same spirit as the one used for past World Anti-Doping Code reviews. In November 2021, the Foundation Board approved the extension of the Group’s mandate to May 2022. The Group completed its mandate in May 2022.
Working Group Terms of Reference.
WADA Contact: Florence Rangeon, Deputy Chief Operating Officer
Below is the list of the former Working Group members:
Prof. Ulrich HAAS (Independent Chair)
New Zealand
Chelsey GOTELL (Athlete)
Adam PENGILLY (Athlete)
United Kingdom
Italy/United Kingdom
Michael VESPER