In force Publication date 29 Jan 21

Laboratory Guidelines - Conducting and Reporting Subcontracted Analysis and Further Analysis for Doping Control

Resource description

The Laboratory Guidelines - Conducting and Reporting Subcontracted Analysis and Further Analysis for Doping Control have been developed to ensure a harmonized approach in the analysis and reporting of (i) samples which are shipped to another laboratory for subcontracted analyses, or (ii) long-term stored samples which undergo further analysis (as described in the 2021 International Standard for Laboratories (ISL) Article

These Laboratory Guidelines, which follow the rules established in the ISL and relevant Technical Documents (TDs) regarding the analytical testing of samples and contain additional recommendations to facilitate the implementation of subcontracted analyses and further analysis of samples in long-term storage, also provide direction when there is a need to ship a sample between laboratories, including how to report the results into ADAMS.

These principles may also apply to samples that need to be transported to another laboratory as a result of cessation of laboratory analytical testing activities, e.g. by suspension, analytical testing restriction or revocation of a laboratory’s WADA accreditation.

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