In force Publication date 01 Apr 24
Technical Letters - Index
Resource description
The Technical Letters (TLs) Index provides a list of all TLs currently in force.
Under the International Standard for Laboratories (ISL), WADA issues TLs to provide direction to WADA-accredited laboratories, WADA-approved laboratories for the Athlete Biological Passport (ABP), and other stakeholders on particular issues on the analysis, interpretation, and reporting of results or on the application of specific laboratory procedures. The implementation of the requirements of TLs is mandatory for obtaining and maintaining WADA accreditation or approval as applicable.
- TL2024 - Index 2.0 (PDF, 691Ko)
- TL2024 - Index 1.0 (PDF, 148Ko)
- TL2023 - Index 1.0 (PDF, 153Ko)
- TL2022 - Index 1.0 (PDF, 52Ko)
- TL2021 - Index 6.0 (PDF, 45Ko)
- TL2021 - Index 5.0 (PDF, 152Ko)
- TL2021 - Index 4.0 (PDF, 41Ko)
- TL2021 - Index 3.0 (PDF, 37Ko)
- TL2021 - Index 1.0 (PDF, 42Ko)
- TL2020 - Index 2.0 (PDF, 59Ko)
- TL2020 - Index 1.0 (PDF, 27Ko)
- TL2019 - Index 1.0 (PDF, 26Ko)