WADA collaborates with international organizations to raise the visibility of social science research in sport

Stakeholders interested in improving social science research regarding sport integrity are invited to respond to a short survey by 31 May
The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) is pleased to announce the launch of a Social Science Research (SSR) Collaboration Platform established by WADA in partnership with the Council of Europe, the European Commission, the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the Partnership for Clean Competition (PCC) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to raise the visibility of social science research in Sport.
The Social Science Research Collaboration Platform is an informal “community of practice” for international organizations that fund or support social science research in sport integrity matters. Its focus is to share best practices and raise the visibility of social science research to increase its usability and, ultimately, its impact on the sporting system. The organizations involved engage to share experiences using their collective insights to improve the benefits of social science research, including reducing duplication of research and importantly, improving the way in which social science research is disseminated, understood and adopted by stakeholders in the field of sport.
In order to promote this unique partnership, the Social Science Research Collaboration Platform is pleased to publish jointly today:
- A Communiqué that highlights the social science research opportunities available for stakeholders; and
- A Survey designed to gather stakeholder feedback in the area of social science research as it relates to sport integrity. Stakeholders are kindly asked to provide feedback by 31 May on their experience with social science research to help participating organizations learn the needs of the sporting community; and, improve their support and promotion of social science research in sport in the future.
As outlined in the Communiqué, while each of the organizations involved in the Social Science Research Collaboration Platform has its own specific research priorities, the overarching research themes that capture all of the organizations’ common interests are:
- Athlete welfare/wellbeing
- Sport integrity
- Values-based education
- Sport governance
- Effectiveness of education
- Equality and inclusion in sport
- Athlete environment/influences on behavior
- Impact of technology on sport integrity
WADA and its partners are confident that the Social Science Research Collaboration Platform will have a positive impact on the sporting system and welcomes requests to join the Platform from other international and regional organizations that have a role in funding or supporting social science research in sport (including private organizations).
Should you have any questions regarding the new Social Science Research Collaboration Platform, or any of the information outlined above, please contact Ani Meliksetyan, Coordinator, Research and Policy (Education), at: