
WADA Athlete Council seeks candidates for athlete seat on WADA’s Compliance Review Committee


Deadline: 30 June 2023

On behalf of its Athlete Council (Council), the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) is seeking candidates to fill the athlete member seat of the Agency’s Compliance Review Committee (CRC); an independent and non-political body that’s main purpose is to oversee WADA’s efforts to monitor ongoing compliance by Signatories with the World Anti-Doping Code (Code) and International Standards.

In May 2022, WADA’s Foundation Board (Board) approved a second round of governance reforms, which includes the reclassification of the CRC as a Permanent Special Committee. The CRC is composed of six members, including three independent compliance specialists from non-sporting industries; and, three members nominated by athletes, governments and sport. As foreseen by the governance reforms, the Council will nominate the athlete member serving on the CRC pursuant to a rigorous selection process newly established by the Council.

The Terms of Reference of the CRC, which were recently revised and approved by WADA’s Executive Committee (ExCo), can be found here.

WADA Athlete Council Chair, Mr. Ryan Pini said: “I encourage experienced athlete candidates to apply for this important athlete seat on WADA’s Compliance Review Committee.  I also encourage WADA stakeholders to consider their respective regions and organizations and to nominate suitable candidates for the vacant position.  This is a very important Committee within WADA that oversees the Agency’s efforts to secure and monitor World Anti-Doping Code Signatory compliance.  The members are relied upon to provide expert guidance to WADA’s internal Compliance Taskforce; and, in so doing, strengthen the global anti-doping system for the benefit of athletes worldwide.”

Application process and expectations of potential member

The Council is seeking candidates to fill the athlete member seat of the CRC. Appropriately experienced candidates are invited to apply for this position. In addition to interested candidates putting forward applications on their own behalf, WADA’s stakeholders can identify candidates and, upon their consent, submit them to the Selection Panel.

Applications will be submitted to a panel composed of two members of the Council and three members of WADA’s independent Nominations Committee (the Selection Panel), which will make an initial determination to retain a number of candidates, interview and vet the retained candidates and lastly establish a final shortlist of candidates.

The Selection Panel will submit the results of its work, including the relevant dossiers and a recommendation on each candidate to the Council in September. While the selection of the athlete member is the Council’s responsibility, the formal appointment to the CRC is decided by WADA’s ExCo. It is expected that the candidate nominated by the Council will be presented for approval at the ExCo meeting of 16 November 2023, with an entry into office on 1 January 2024 for a three-year term.  


To be eligible to apply, candidates must have been an International-Level Athlete as defined by the Code within the last nine years before taking office (i.e., before 1 January 2024) but shall be retired from competition to ensure sufficient availability to serve on the CRC.

A candidate who was previously sitting on, but is not currently sitting on, another WADA body is eligible to apply. A candidate who stood on the ballot for election to Group 2 or who applied for appointment to Group 3 of the Council, but who was not elected or appointed, is eligible to apply. See definitions of Group 2 & 3 in WADA’s announcement of 4 January 2023.

The candidate must be able to contribute an athletes’ perspective. They shall remain free of undue influence and shall exercise their mandate in a personal capacity.

The candidate must be able to communicate effectively in English. The two working languages of WADA are English and French; while the primary working language of the CRC is English.

Candidates are invited to consult the Position Profile which provides a comprehensive list of requirements and additional details on the above eligibility criteria.

Term of office

Members of the CRC are appointed for a term of three years and may be reappointed for two further terms of three years provided that they continue to meet all relevant eligibility criteria. A member of the CRC may not serve for more than nine years in total for this Committee.

Expected time requirement

There are three annual CRC meetings, either in person or virtual. Each in-person meeting consists generally of three days of meetings, which can be up to a five-day commitment including travel. Virtual meetings may also consist of up to three days of meetings. Additional meetings may be called regularly during a given year.

All CRC meetings require considerable time for meeting preparation, which includes significant material readings ahead of each meeting.

Compensation arrangements

WADA is a not-for-profit organization funded by member contributions and compensation arrangements reflect this nature. This noted, the members of the CRC receive compensation based on the time spent on Committee work. Expenses incurred with respect to meetings will be covered by WADA.

How to submit applications

Applications are to be forwarded by Friday, 30 June 2023 to the Council (c/o

To be considered, all applications must include the following:

  1. a motivation letter, expressing reasons behind interest in appointment;
  2. an updated curriculum vitae or biography(1) fully outlining relevant experience;
  3. a completed eligibility form confirming that the eligibility criteria are met; and
  4. confirmation that they both have the time and ability to actively participate in the work of the CRC.

Applicants that are retained will be requested to provide up to three referees who may be contacted by the Selection Panel. They will also be asked to consent to the use of third-party services to conduct vetting. Tertiary qualifications are not a requirement for this position but will be verified if included in a candidacy(2).

Any questions should be directed to Mr. Ryan Pini, Chair of the WADA Athlete Council, c/o


The following table outlines the timelines that will apply to the CRC athlete member selection process.


2023 Calendar

Public call for interest

17 May to 30 June

Selection Panel reviews the applications to retain a number of candidates

By 21 July

Selection Panel interviews retained candidates

21 July to 18 August

Selection Panel proceeds to referee checks and vetting of the shortlisted candidates

By 1 September

Selection Panel prepares files on the shortlisted candidates for consideration by the Council, with a recommendation on each candidate

By 15 September

Council meets to discuss the Selection Panel’s recommendations and select their nominee for the CRC athlete position

By 6 October

Report on the nominated candidate is submitted to the ExCo

By 26 October

ExCo to approve the appointment of the nominated candidate to the CRC athlete position for entry into office on 1 January 2024

16 November (ExCo meeting in Montreal)


(1)For purposes of review, evaluation and approval, candidates consent to the sharing of their curriculum vitae and candidate file (and personal information contained therein) with the WADA Administration, the WADA Athlete Council and the Nominations Committee, as well as the ExCo and Board, in accordance with the Candidate Privacy Policy in WADA’s Governance Regulations. Candidates are asked to review the Candidate Privacy Policy for details about how their personal information will be processed by WADA. By submitting their application, candidates confirm that they have read and understood the policy and accept its terms.

(2)If the candidate refers to qualifications/certifications in their candidacy, the year of obtention of any such qualifications/certifications must be included.