
REMINDER: 8 September deadline for candidates to submit applications for the role of Independent Supervisor of WADA’s Intelligence and Investigations Department


Further to the World Anti-Doping Agency’s (WADA’s) communication of 24 July 2023, the Agency wishes to remind stakeholders and interested candidates that the deadline to submit applications for the role of Independent Supervisor of the Agency’s Intelligence and Investigations (I&I) Department is Friday 8 September 2023.   

The Independent Supervisor is appointed to conduct annual audits of the work performed by the I&I Department to ensure that such work is conducted in accordance with the WADA Investigation Policy. In turn, the audit report conclusions are made publicly available on the WADA website

The Investigation Policy sets out that the I&I Department operates independently from the rest of the Agency and that it may run any investigation that it deems appropriate, in accordance with the Policy, without seeking the prior consent or approval of the WADA Foundation Board, the WADA Executive Committee (ExCo), the WADA President or the WADA Director General

Further details of the auditing process are outlined in the Investigation Policy.  


Appropriately experienced candidates within or from outside the anti-doping community are invited to apply for the Independent Supervisor position. Applications will be submitted to the Director General, who will make an initial determination to retain a number of candidates for interview and vetting. The Director General will submit a recommendation to the ExCo for decision at their meeting on 16 November 2023.     

Experience and expertise requirement 

The Independent Supervisor shall have extensive experience at the executive level in the field of law enforcement investigations and/or criminal prosecution, and ideally, a strong understanding of international sport and the global anti-doping system, including its rules and procedures. The Independent Supervisor shall also have excellent written and oral communication skills in English and/or French (with a capacity to communicate in English if the latter).  

Candidates are invited to consult the Position Profile for a comprehensive list of requirements. 

Independence criteria 

The Independent Supervisor shall meet WADA’s Operational, Personal and Organizational Independence criteria(1) in force at the time of their application and during the entirety of their appointment.  

Term of office 

The Independent Supervisor will be appointed for a period of three years, renewable for one subsequent three-year term. The entry into office will be on 1 January 2024. 

Expected time requirement 

Per the Investigation Policy, the Independent Supervisor will conduct annual audits of the I&I Department and will submit to the Director General and the ExCo a written report once a year. Additional audits may be undertaken by the Independent Supervisor at any time if requested by the ExCo, the President or the Director General. 

As the I&I Department is geographically spread across the WADA offices in Lausanne (SUI) and Montreal (CAN), it is expected that the Independent Supervisor will be required to travel when conducting their audit. 

Compensation arrangements 

WADA is a not-for-profit organization funded by member contributions and therefore, compensation arrangements reflect this nature. 

The compensation given to the Independent Supervisor will be in line with WADA’s policy for experts’ remuneration. Expenses incurred with respect to the Independent Supervisor’s work will be covered by WADA. 

How to submit applications

Applications are to be forwarded by Friday, 8 September 2023 to Mr. Olivier Niggli, WADA Director General (c/o

To be considered, all applications must include the following:

  1. a motivation letter, expressing reasons behind interest in appointment;
  2. an updated curriculum vitae(2) fully outlining relevant experience, qualifications(3) and expertise; and
  3. a completed Declaration of Independence Form confirming that the required independence criteria are met.

Applicants that are retained will be requested to provide two referees who may be contacted by the WADA Administration. Applicants will also be asked to consent to the use of third-party services to conduct vetting.  

Any questions should be directed to Mr. Olivier Niggli, c/o  


(1) These criteria are detailed in the Regulations on Independence in WADA’s Governance Regulations and can be consulted in the Declaration of Independence Form mentioned above.

(2) For purposes of review, evaluation and approval, candidates consent to the sharing of their curriculum vitae and candidate file (and personal information contained therein) with the WADA Administration, as well as the ExCo and Foundation Board, in accordance with WADA’s Privacy Policy. Candidates are asked to review the Privacy Policy for details about how their personal information will be processed by WADA. By submitting their application, candidates confirm that they have read and understood the Privacy Policy and accept its terms. 

(3) The year of any qualifications/certifications obtained by the applicant must be included in the curriculum vitae.