ADAMS Testing Working Group discusses Development Roadmap

The World Anti-Doping Agency’s (WADA’s) Anti-Doping Administration & Management System [ADAMS] Testing Working Group (ATWG), met virtually on 22 and 23 May 2024, focusing its attention on WADA’s 2024 ADAMS Development Roadmap. Specific topics of discussion included:
the sample management module launched on 23 April 2024, which includes the second version of the long-term storage and the first version of the quick turnaround analysis request functionalities. Anti-Doping Organizations (ADOs) are kindly requested to provide feedback on these revised functionalities to the ADAMS team;
the freeze in further developments in ADAMS and its ecosystems for the period of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games. ADAMS feature updates will resume in September 2024;
the focus on the Identity and Access Management that includes the redesign of the ADAMS security model and accessibility rights;
enhancing user education to avoid athlete profile duplication; and
the development of short educational videos by members of the ATWG on the use of ADAMS in areas of interest for ADOs, planned for September 2024.
WADA also provided an update on the major language changes proposed for the first draft of the 2027 International Standard for Testing, which was published for stakeholder consultation on 21 May 2024 on WADAConnect, the online consultation platform. ADOs are kindly reminded to submit feedback via WADAConnect by 11 October 2024.
Finally, a reminder that ADOs requiring assistance with any aspect of using ADAMS and/or its ecosystems are kindly requested to contact the ADAMS team by submitting a request in the ADAMS Help Center. It should be noted that the email address is no longer monitored by the ADAMS team.
Should you have any questions regarding the work of the ATWG, we invite you to contact