In force Publication date 03 Mar 17
Rapid screening (and confirmatory) method for rEPO and NESP based on immuno-recognition of its exogenous N-glycolylneuraminic acid content
Project description
Project Title: Rapid screening (and confirmatory) method for rEPO and NESP based on immunorecognition of its exogenous N-Glycolyl-Neuraminic content (GLEPOLYL)
Researchers: J. Pascual, C. de Bolos, R. Gutierrez-Gallego, J. Segura
Institution: Municipal Institute of Medical Research Foundation, Barcelona, Spain
Year accepted: 2005
Summary: The aim of the present project is to produce a monoclonal antibody able to recognise the N-glycolylneuraminic acid present in recombinant glycoproteins and develop an immunoaffinity test (e.g. ELISA) that will result in a fast and cheap screening method to recognise the presence of the Neu5Gc moiety in the EPO or NESP molecules in order to determine absolutely their exogenous origin.