In force
Literature review of pharmacokinetic data in DBS samples for substances prohibited in-competition
Project description
Code: DBS20AS7AT
This project will assess the introduction of cut-off limits for substances that are only prohibited in competition (stimulants, corticoids, cannabinoids, and narcotics). Data about the pharmacologically relevant levels of each substance are required to interpret the measured results correctly.
Main Findings
In competition sport drug testing represents an important aspect in doping controls. Here the analysis of blood samples owns a considerable benefit compared to urine samples due to the determination of actually relevant blood concentrations during the competition. DBS sampling represents a simple, reliable, cost-efficient and robust approach to ideally support the classical urine analysis, especially for in competition testing. In the present study potential analytical cut-off limits for stimulants, corticoids, cannabinoids, and narcotics are proposed. The values are based on literature review for pharmacokinetic data as well as already existing levels valid for driving under the influence of drugs.