In force Publication date 01 Jan 22
Resource description
The Technical Document (TD) on the Decision Limits for the Confirmatory Quantification of Exogenous Threshold Substances bye Chromatography-Based Analytical Methods has as an objective to harmonize the reporting of results for exogenous threshold substances when analyzed in urine samples using chromatography-based quantitative confirmation procedures, with particular regard to the decision limits that shall be applied to determine whether the analytical result indicates an Adverse Analytical Finding (AAF).
A Summary of Modifications can be found under Related Documents below.
- TD2021DL (PDF, 318Ko)
- TD2021DL - Summary of Major Modifications (PDF, 43Ko)
- TD2019DL Version 2 (PDF, 362Ko)
- TD2019DL (PDF, 988Ko)
- TD2018DL (PDF, 801Ko)
- TD2017DL 2.0 (PDF, 291Ko)
- TD2017DL (PDF, 268Ko)
- TD2014DL (PDF, 263Ko)
- TD2013DL 2.0 (PDF, 171Ko)
- TD2013DL (PDF, 397Ko)
- TD2012DL (PDF, 345Ko)
- TD2010DL (PDF, 275Ko)