In force Publication date 31 Mar 15
Structural elucidation of the glycans present in human urinary EPO
Project description
Project Title: Structural elucidation of the glycans present in human urinary EPO
Researchers: J. A. Pascual, E. L. Escorihuela, J. Segura, R. Gutierrez Gallego
Institution: Fundacio IMIM, Barcelona, Spain
Year accepted: 2006
Summary: The aims of the present project are:
- To develop a purification procedure for endogenous urinary EPO.
- To perform structural elucidation of the EPO released glycans based on:
- Mass spectrometric analysis (MALDI-TOF, ESI-Q-TOF)
- Monosaccharide analysis (GC/MS)
- Sialic acid speciation (reverse phase HPLC)
- Weak anion exchange (WAX) profiles
- Normal phase LC profiling
- RAAM (reagent array analysis method)