In force Publication date 19 Feb 15
Application of Time-of-Flight mass spectrometry for the unification and expansion of the window of screening methods of the WADA laboratories
Project description
Project Title: Application of Time-of-Flight mass spectrometry for the unification and expansion of the window of screening methods of the WADA laboratories
Researchers: C. Georgakopoulos (Doping Control Laboratory of Athens, Greece), A. Bianchi, M. Nielen (RIKILT - Institute of Food Safety, Wageningen, The Netherlands)
Year accepted: 2004
Summary: The aims of the proposed research study are the following:
- Unification of the WADA Accredited Doping Control Laboratories screening procedures of classes of prohibited substances including classical small molecules like stimulants, narcotics, steroid agents, diuretics, etc, in order to free laboratory resources to new classes of prohibited substances: e.g. proteins. Modern sensitive high mass resolution, full mass range fast scanning mass spectrometer technology Time-Of-Flight, coupled with GC and LC chromatographic systems, capable to cover all classes of small molecules prohibited substances in minimum analytical runs per samples will be used. Sample preparation techniques using the minimum of steps but compatible with all classes of small molecules/prohibited substances will also be used. Incorporation of new drugs or metabolites, belonging to similar classes of molecules, with minimum or no changes to the laboratory preparative/analytical methods will be facilitated.
- Development of two new analytical tools, based on the instrumentation referred to in the previous paragraph, in order to widen the spectrum of the detection of prohibited substances or metabolites that do not exist as reference materials in the laboratory: a) creation of predictive analytical data, for molecules that are computer designed in the laboratory, b) bioassay-directed identification of unknown molecules.