WADA welcomes release of Tunisian National Anti-Doping Organization’s former Director General

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has welcomed the release of the former Director General of the National Anti-Doping Organization of Tunisia (ANAD), Mr. Mourad Hambli, after spending four months in prison for simply trying to abide by the consequences of ANAD’s non-compliance with the World Anti-Doping Code (Code).
On 30 April 2024, the non-compliance of ANAD was confirmed as the result of its failure to fully implement the 2021 version of the Code within its legal system. Under the terms of the non-compliance, as is always the case, a series of consequences and reinstatement conditions were imposed, including that the nation’s flag could not be flown at certain covered events while ANAD remained non-compliant. After the non-conformity in Tunisia was established, WADA worked closely with the authorities to ensure the compliance matter could be dealt with as quickly as possible. On 15 May 2024, WADA announced that the non-conformity had been successfully addressed and ANAD was reinstated as compliant with the Code.
However, during this time, Mr. Hambli remained in custody charged with a crime. Throughout, WADA, along with members of the anti-doping community, lobbied vociferously for Mr. Hambli. On 13 May and 13 June 2024, WADA called for his immediate and unconditional release from custody and the dropping of any charges made against him pertaining to this. WADA is pleased that he is now free and has rejoined his family at home.