WADA publishes updates to documents relating to the narcotic tramadol that is on the 2024 Prohibited List

On 28 September 2023, WADA published the 2024 List of Prohibited Substances and Methods (Prohibited List), which was approved by WADA’s Executive Committee (ExCo) during its meeting on 22 September 2023 and enters into force on 1 January 2024. That same day, WADA also published the 2024 Summary of Major Modifications and Explanatory Notes as compared to the 2023 Prohibited List.
Today, WADA is publishing the following updates related to the narcotic tramadol that has been added to the 2024 Prohibited List; and, will be prohibited in competition, effective 1 January 2024:
1. An update to the 2024 Summary of Major Modifications and Explanatory Notes, which relates to tramadol.
It is important to note that the washout period for tramadol has now been added to the 2024 Summary of Major Modifications and Explanatory Notes.
This washout period is established at 24 hours, based on the therapeutic use of tramadol. The washout period refers to the time from the last administered dose to the time of the start of the In-Competition period (i.e., beginning at 11:59 p.m. on the day before a Competition in which the Athlete is scheduled to participate, unless a different period was approved by WADA for a given sport).
2. A Technical Letter dealing with the Minimum Reporting Level (MRL) for Tramadol
In addition, on 16 November 2023, the ExCo approved a Technical Letter dealing with the Minimum Reporting Level (MRL) for tramadol (TL25 tramadol).
The updated version of the TL25 Tramadol can be found here.
TL25 Tramadol contains instructions on the analysis and reporting of tramadol findings in urine samples, including the establishment of a MRL applicable to the tramadol free parent compound, which is the relevant target analyte to be monitored and confirmed in urine samples by WADA-accredited Laboratories.
Under the International Standard for Laboratories, WADA’s TLs provide specific direction to WADA-accredited Laboratories, WADA-Approved Laboratories for the Athlete Biological Passport, and other stakeholders on particular issues regarding the analysis, interpretation and reporting of results for specific prohibited substance(s) and/or prohibited method(s) or on the application of specific laboratory procedures.
All WADA-accredited Laboratories are required to implement the TL25 Tramadol as of 1 January 2024.
Should you have any questions regarding the above TL, we invite you to contact WADA’s Science Department at:
3. Tramadol-related Factsheets
WADA would also like to draw attention to the addition of the following resources as part of its Code Implementation Support Program (CISP), which can be accessed on the Agency’s Anti-Doping Education and Learning platform (ADEL):
Tramadol factsheet for medical professionals (multiple languages); and
Tramadol factsheet for athletes and athlete support personnel (multiple languages).