WADA Executive Committee and Foundation Board to meet in Montreal next week

The World Anti-Doping Agency’s (WADA’s) Executive Committee (ExCo) and Foundation Board (Board) will meet in Montreal, Canada, on 16 and 17 November 2023, respectively.
During these meetings, members of WADA’s principal governing bodies, most of whom will attend in person and others virtually, will discuss, take decisions and be updated on a number of matters that include:
An update on the non-compliance status of the Russian Anti-Doping Agency;
Updates on the activities of the Athletes’ Anti-Doping Ombuds and the Human Rights Impact Assessment project, including a report from the Athlete Advisory Group on Human Rights in Anti-Doping;
An update on the World Anti-Doping Program consultation process;
Updates on progress against the Agency’s key performance indicators and on the development of the next iteration of WADA’s Strategic Plan (2025-2029);
A decision on WADA’s 2024 draft budget;
Confirmation of the composition of the Board, Executive Committee (ExCo), Permanent Special Committees and Standing Committees for 2024;
An update provided by WADA’s Director General at the commencement of the Board meeting on the decisions taken by the ExCo, which meets the day before; and
Updates on WADA’s main areas of activity, including the 2023 outputs of its expert committees.
WADA is composed of a 42-member Foundation Board, which is the Agency’s highest policy-making body, and the 16-person ExCo, which is delegated by the Board to manage the running of the Agency, including the performance of activities and the administration of assets.
The ExCo is composed of five representatives from the Sport Movement, five representatives from Governments of the world, the independent Chair of WADA’s Athlete Council and five other independent members, including WADA’s President and Vice-President. Currently, approximately one third of the Board and ExCo members are former international-level athletes.
The ExCo is a closed meeting whereas the Board meeting, as usual and in line with WADA Governance Regulations, are public forums open to the media.
The outcomes of the meetings will be announced in a media release to be published once the Board meeting has concluded on 17 November.