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Implementation of the analysis of small peptides in dried blood spots for anti-doping purposes
Description du projet
Code: DBS23SP06CB
Over the ten past years, more and more strategies based on dried blood spot sampling for antidoping have been developed for different classes of substances. Among the ones focusing on small peptides detection (<2kDA), few allow the simultaneous analysis of a large panel of peptides such as GHRP, GHS or GnRH as indicated in the list of prohibited substances from the World Anti-doping Agency (WADA), and the most complete one has been proposed by Lange et al. 2020. The main objective of this present project is first to implement a multi-peptides analysis strategy for the extraction and detection of small peptides and evaluate the impact of the device used for spotting. Performances between cellulose and polymeric devices will be assessed. The influence of the size of the spot will be also assessed to determine if a larger volume of the spot can help to improve LODs. The instrumentation used for such application will also be evaluated to determine which technology is fit for purposes between LC-HRMS instruments and triple quadrupole.