In force Publication date 01 Feb 21

Influencing factors of Chinese adolescent athletes' doping intention and strategy of anti-doping education

Principal investigator
M. Zhi-Xiong
L. Guo
Beijing Sport University
Year approved
Adolescent, Youth, Talent-level, Children, Attitudes toward doping

Project description


The study examines the psychological determinants of the decision to dope. It analyses the link between perceived motivational climate (ego- and task-involving), moral variables (integrity in sports and moral disengagement), and attitudinal variables (advantages and disadvantages of doping and perceived disadvantages of not doping) and the intention to dope. The conclusions of the study clarify the mechanisms behind the decision to dope, laying the groundwork for intention-based education programs that intend to prevent doping among adolescent athletes.



The study follows a cross-sectional research design. The researchers administered a questionnaire based on the Chinese Athletes Doping Intention Scale for Adolescents (CADIS-A) to a sample of six hundred and fifteen (615) Chinese adolescent athletes (mean age = 15.68 ± 1.67 years). The questionnaire measured the link between perceived motivational climate (ego- and task-involving), moral variables (integrity in sports and moral disengagement), and attitudinal variables (advantages and disadvantages of doping and perceived disadvantages of not doping) and the intention to dope. 



The study found that the intention to dope decreases within a motivational, task-involving environment because of promoting integrity. Conversely, the intention to dope increases within a motivation, ego-involving environment because of greater moral disengagement. The researchers also found that both the advantages and disadvantages of doping and the disadvantages of not doping contribute to the intention to dope.


Significance for Clean Sport

The study delves into the mechanisms that contribute to the intentional decision to dope. Therefore, it can inform intention-based education programs that aim to prevent doping among adolescent athletes.


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