In force Publication date 31 Mar 15

Development of antibodies to human asialo erythropoietin: Possible application to a confirmation procedure in anti-doping control of recombinant erythropoietin

Project description

Project Title: Development of antibodies to human asialo erythopoietin: Possible application to a confirmation procedure in anti-doping control of recombinant erythropoietin

Researchers: F. Lasne, J. de Ceaurriz

Institution: Laboratoire National de Dépistage du Dopage, France

Year accepted: 2006

Summary: The objectives of this first part of the project was to obtain antibodies to asialo EPO in order to investigate the asialo EPO patterns obtained in various situations (negative, positive, unstable, atypical EPO profiles from urine samples) and from various recombinant drugs (Epoetin alfa, beta, omega, delta, Darbepoetin alfa). These antibodies would be used as primary antibodies in immunoblot following isoelectric focusing (IEF) of desialylated EPO.

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